
Thursday, May 26, 2016

My Endorsement of Donald J. Trump

The time is finally here.

There are many reasons why I decided against supporting Donald Trump in the Republican primaries. At first, he turned me off during his gaffe-filled summer in which he called illegal immigrants rapists and denounced John McCain as a war hero because "he had been captured", neither of which stopped his campaign. I distanced myself even further when he announced that he wanted to ban all Muslims from coming into the United States. I even wanted to leave the Republican Party after the same man who had previously said that women should be punished for having abortions won the nomination in Indiana.

But then I thought about it. And thought about it. And thought about it a little more.

And I remembered that I promised to support the eventual Republican nominee, and I will not break this promise.

And I figured out that the mainstream media likes to twist Donald Trump's words because they are trying to rig the election for Hillary Clinton. He said his abortion comments because he was asked what he would do if abortion were to be illegal, so it makes sense that he would say that those associated with it should be punished. Because it would be ILLEGAL.

And I figured out that we need to do anything to stop Hillary Clinton, even if that is voting for an "orange-faced windbag" such as Mr. Trump (Sen. Rand Paul's words, not mine).

Hillary Clinton cannot be the next President because she has shown time and time again that she cannot be trusted. Just yesterday, the State Department said that she violated the rules when she used her personal server instead of the government issued email address she should have used. Also, look at the other numerous messes she got herself into throughout her life, such as the Benghazi incident, the Whitewater scandal, and the Wall Street speeches she won't release. Having her run this country for the next four to eight years would be a huge mistake.

We need Donald Trump in the White House because we need somebody who actually cares about our country, even if he might be a little unpredictable from time to time with his comments. We need somebody who will nominate a conservative Supreme Court Justice; if we leave this to Hillary, the Supreme Court will be liberal for a few generations. We need someone who is a proven leader who has run a successful business.

I have been reading excerpts from his newest book, Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again, and I can see that Donald Trump is actually serious about becoming President. He can take our country out of the hole that we are in now, and he can make us prosper, but only if we work as a team. Donald Trump is running for President because he cares about the people of our country, while Hillary only cares about herself and her political career.

Donald Trump's policies also aren't THAT bad. While his position on free trade doesn't necessarily fall within the party's platform, he shows that he wants to keep jobs in America rather than in China or in the European Union. While he may have controversial policies such as building a wall on the Mexican border or banning Muslims from coming into the country, I can assure you that while a wall MAY happen, a Muslim ban is not going to pass through Congress, even if Trump works with a Republican majority. Also, Trump is starting to change his mind on the Muslim position, which is really good because I do not support that at all. And the wall isn't THAT bad of an idea.

The Republican Party needs to unify around a common goal of defeating Hillary Clinton. I know that Donald Trump is not the candidate that most of the party wanted, but I would rather have him in the White House versus Hillary Clinton. While it may take some people longer than others to decide what they will do once November rolls around, I want people to remember these next few sentences if they are undecided.

A vote for a third party candidate is a vote for Hillary Clinton.

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for Hillary Clinton (obviously).

Not voting at all is a vote for Hillary Clinton.

The only way to assure that Hillary Clinton does not step anywhere near the White House is to cast a vote for Donald J. Trump.

I do have one condition, though. If a viable third-party candidate steps up to the plate, like Mitt Romney or another conservative that has a legitimate chance of beating both candidates, then I may reconsider voting for Donald Trump. But the odds of this happening are very slim, and like I said, a third party candidate will only take votes away from Trump, making sure that Hillary wins.

I wish everyone luck in deciding what to do, but consider this post when doing so.

Let's Make America Great Again,
Jacob Stech '18

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