
Friday, May 6, 2016

Current State of the Race: My Struggle

I am finally back.

So my college life has completely taken over since I last posted about my predictions for the New Hampshire primary. I have finally found a spare moment where I can finally update everything on the website, and I hope to post more now that the general election is coming up. As everyone already knows, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders won those races with 'yuge' landslides.

Now that the Republican primary is over and the Democratic Primary is wrapping up, it is time to look at the general election in a realistic light. Donald Trump, much to most people's dismay, has won the Republican nomination, and it looks like Hillary Clinton will clinch the nomination from Bernie Sanders on June 14th. So we are now looking at a Trump vs. Clinton election, and I cannot be more confused as to what to do.

I have been posting rapidly on Facebook the past couple days abut my struggle of whether I can support Donald Trump in the general election. I have decided to take a backseat for now and wait until he picks a Vice Presidential running mate before I make a final decision as to whether I will support him. But here's the thing. While I am not sure if I will support Donald Trump, I am 100% sure that I will not be casting a ballot for Hillary Clinton because she has shown that she is untrustworthy and that she will say or do anything to become President of the United States. And I will never let that happen. So, as you can see, I am a member of the #NeverHillary movement.
But while I was a member of the #NeverTrump movement during the primary season, am I ready to revoke my membership just yet?

Here are the questions I and most other Republicans need to ask ourselves: Do I hate Hillary Clinton enough to vote for Donald Trump? Am I aware that voting third-party or not voting at all gives the election to Hillary Clinton, who I KNOW will be a horrible president, rather than giving it to Donald Trump, who only MIGHT be bad? Am I ready to support someone who has shown a history of being unpredictable and unapologetic over someone who is untrustworthy and corrupt?

If I have to make an honest statement, here it is. I am currently leaning towards supporting the Donald, but I am not ready to make it 100% official until he picks a Vice President that can get rid of the craziness of the presumptive Republican nominee. Also, we need to look at policy over personality, and as of right now, Donald Trump is more favorable. in my opinion, in that standard.

I wish everyone luck in their struggle, and I hope we can get through this dumpster fire of a general election in one piece.

In Liberty,
Jacob Stech '18

P.S. While I was wrapping this up, Lindsay Graham just announced that he will not be supporting either candidate in November. Thanks for making this decision just a little bit harder.

1 comment:

  1. Jacob nice piece, I think you've tapped into a feeling that many conservative Republicans have felt for a long time. In 1992 this feeling led to Ross Perot which handed Bill Clinton his first election. At the end of the day we have a 2 party system as a truely strong 3rd party canidate where nobody reaches 270 electors would leave it to the House of Representatives to elect the President.
