
Friday, June 8, 2018

My Endorsement of Nick Freitas for U.S. Senate

Image result for nick freitas

This Tuesday, June 12th, voters will be going to the polls to decide who is the best fit to defeat incumbent Senator Tim Kaine in November. In a time where Republicans are being attacked in the era of Trump, it is important that our nominee is someone that can bring people together with his common sense values and reach out to all voters. It is obvious that our nominee should be Delegate Nick Freitas.

Nick Freitas has served in the House of Delegates since 2015. Ever since he’s been elected, he has fought hard for conservative values that matter such as civil asset forfeiture and the Second Amendment. He is a retired Green Beret that has received an A+ rating from the NRA. He has never voted for a tax increase; in fact, he is the only candidate in the Republican Primary with a voting record at all. 

Delegate Freitas has a history of supporting libertarian-leaning reforms, which shows that he can appeal to a more broader base than the other candidates. He supports criminal justice reform so that all people are treated equally under the law. He believes that the government should not tax us into oblivion and that we should have a flat tax. He is willing to admit that the Republican Party has a problem with government spending and that we need to control how much we spend. He supports medicinal marijuana, which shows he is willing to support bold reforms while his fellow Republican colleagues may be more hesitant. Because of these positions, he has gathered endorsements from important figures such as Rep. Ron Paul, Sen. Rand Paul, and Sen. Mike Lee! 

Nick also supports typical conservative reforms such as being pro-life, pro-gun, and anti-Obamacare. He supports school choice, less regulations, and securing the border. He believes that legal immigration is important and should be welcomed, but we must protect our borders while welcoming those legal immigrants. 

Nick himself is also a man of honor who has shown the utmost respect towards our country, the process, and his voters and constituents. He served two tours as a Green Beret in the Middle East after the 9/11 attacks. After he was honorably discharged, he served as an operations director for a service-disabled veteran-owned company. During the petitioning phase of the campaign, Nick was able to gather all of his signatures through volunteers while his opponents hired firms to do all of the work. He is also very personable with his voters and constituents. When I was interning at the General Assembly, I had a short conversation with Nick in his office in which I thanked him for everything he has done so far and to tell him that I was supporting him. He thanked me for everything I had done to gather petition signatures to get him on the ballot at the time and that he looked forward to having me on the team; he also took the time to ask me about my future after I graduated from college and he gave me some advice, which was something he totally did not have to do. I ran into him at a couple of events afterwards and he remembered who I was and thanked me again for the time I had put in. I appreciated these moments because it shows that he genuinely cares about the work that has been done and he is trying to get to know his current and (hopefully) future constituents.

In order to understand why we should nominate Nick Freitas to take on Sen. Tim Kaine, we should look at Nick’s opposition. His opponents for the Republican nomination are E.W. Jackson and Corey Stewart. I have had the pleasure of speaking with all three candidates for the nomination, and I can tell you that all three are nice men who know how to get their point across. While he is a kind man with a lot of heart, Jackson had a hard time gathering support during his 2013 general election campaign for lieutenant governor because of some of his comments. Stewart is a different story; while he is also a nice man in person, his campaign has focused on dividing those within the party and his campaign has thrown dirty attacks at “establishment” Republicans across the board. In a time where we need to bring people to the party with a positive outlook based on policy, Stewart is energizing his small base while pushing people away with his message of divisiveness and hatred. Stewart’s lack of judgment is also an issue, as he has aligned himself with anti-Semites such as Paul Nehlen in recent years (it took him three days to condemn his connections with Nehlen). Voting for either Jackson or Stewart is guaranteeing a Kaine win in November. 

All in all, Nick Freitas’s campaign is different than any other campaign I have been a part of. Nick Freitas is more than just a candidate, he is the leader of a bigger movement. This campaign has so many energized volunteers and supporters that want to advance the cause of individual liberty and free markets. His grassroots support has caused him to be undefeated in straw polls across the commonwealth and he has won every debate that he has been a part of. Tim Kaine is definitely going to have a tough time debating Nick Freitas, as he knows how to speak and I don’t believe I have ever seen him mix his words. While I am aware that the general election will be an uphill battle, Nick Freitas is ready for that battle and has the best chance to defeat Kaine in November. He said once that armed-combat can prepare one for domestic politics! 

Please do not forget to vote in the Republican Primary this Tuesday, June 12th for Nick Freitas. If you are a Democrat, please consider voting in the Republican Primary for Freitas because Kaine is unopposed in the primary. Trust me, a Stewart vs. Kaine election would be the ugliest campaign in the entire 2018 cycle, and I don’t think that I can handle another below-the-belt campaign. If Freitas was to win the general election, the campaign would be one based on policy, and I have the utmost confidence that he will look out for ALL Virginians in Congress while Stewart might not necessarily do that. Anyway, let’s get ready for the general election! It’s going to be a fun one! PLEASE VOTE! 

In Liberty,
Jacob Stech 

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