
Thursday, August 17, 2017

My Condemnation of President Trump

Note: This post is a copy of a Facebook post that I wrote about an hour after Donald Trump's disastrous press conference in which he walked back his scripted Monday response to the domestic terrorist attack in Charlottesville, where one person was killed in a protest and two policemen were killed in a helicopter crash while responding to the protests. 

I just listened to Donald Trump walk back his comments from yesterday and show his true colors. He's now back to saying that both sides are at fault.

I condemn the actions of the KKK. I condemn Nazis. I condemn white supremacists. I condemn racists.

I condemn the president for not condemning these same things.

I'm done with this president. I also apologize to everyone for voting for this president. I can no longer support a president who will not denounce white supremacists for their ugly and disgusting thoughts. I can't support a president who would rather defend Nazis and racists than represent his country by using his common sense and denouncing them. Mr. President, I can assure you that as of now, you will not be getting my vote in 2020.

I apologize to everyone for helping to elect a morally insensitive man to the most powerful position in the world. I apologize to all of my friends for saying "it'll be okay" and "let's give him a chance." Well, I've given him a chance, and it's pretty obvious that things are not okay. My heart hurts for those who feel victimized by the president's actions. I feel bad that I have to tell my kids in the future that I voted for him.

I'm not changing parties, but I do want to change the way that this country thinks. I want to help elect leaders from both parties that want to bring America back from all of the negativity that has happened over the past few months. I'm sick of how negative, dirty, and divisive American political talk has become. I want to bring American politics back to what it used to be about: the issues and what brings us together.

I miss President Barack Obama. I honestly never thought I would say that. I hope we can recover from this. I really do.

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